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Riff – the band starts from here – so wird der Name bei Wikipedia beschrieben:
der Versuch einer Deutung dazu was Riff bedeutet, bei Wikipedia…
Riff – the band starts from here – so wird der Name bei Wikipedia beschrieben:

der Versuch einer Deutung dazu was Riff bedeutet, bei Wikipedia…

dann eine wichtige Resource von Riff – keine Angst, so heftig geht es bei uns nicht zu – und ein wunderschönes Zitat von einer der ersten Punkbands – MC5.

Hier geht es los mit einem MP3 von MC5…..(251 KB)

und hier MC5 bei Wikipedia

The Year: Oct. 30-31 1968
The Place: Detroit, MI
The Venue: Russ Gibb’s Grande Ballroom
The Bands: The Psychedelic Stooges and

The MC5 The MC5 line-up:

Rob Tyner (lead singer)
Wayne Kramer (Fender guitar)
Fred ‘Sonic’ Smith (Mosrite guitar)
Michael Davis (Fender bass)
Dennis Thompson (drums)

Kick Out The Jams (engl. “Schmeißt alle Hemmungen weg”):

After waiting what seemed like an eternity, considering by this time my cocktail had kicked in (if you know what I mean) things were ready. I had seen enough concerts to know once the stage is clear, little red lights on the amps glow letting you know- Let’s GO!

Well, after a minute or two of clapping Brother J. C. Crawford hits the stage.

‘(“Motherfuckers”, was actually censored):, brothers and sisters,
I wanna see a sea of hands out there.
Let me see a sea of hands.
I want everybody to kick up some noise.
I wanna hear some revolution out there, brothers
I wanna hear a little revolution.
Brothers and sisters, the time has come
For each and every one of you to decide
Whether you are gonna be the problem,
Or whether you are gonna be the solution.
You must choose, brothers, you must choose.
It takes 5 seconds, 5 seconds of decision.
Five seconds to realize that it’s time to move.
It’s time to get down with it.
Brothers, it’s time to testify and I want to know,
Are you ready to testify?
Are you ready?

Rob Tyner yells out. ‘Brother Kramer, Brother Wayne Kramer’ and we were going to where, I don’t know and didn’t care. Brother Waynes’ falsetto on “Ramblin’ Rose” still sends chills up and down my spine. The 5 opened a lot of shows with this cut. Sort of a warm-up for a full guttural assault:

Love is like a Ramblin´ Rose
The more you feed it
The more it grows,
Ramblin´Rose, Ramblin´Rose,
Come on home

Ramblin´ Rose,
Is such a ball
Diamond rings
And a Cadillac car,
Ramblin´ Rose, Ramblin´ Rose
Come on home

Ramblin´ Rose
Ramblin´ around,
Ramblin´ Rose
I´m gonna put you down
Ramblin´ Rose, Ramblin´ Rose
Come on home

Love is like a Ramblin´ Rose
The more you feed it,
The more it grows
Ramblin´ Rose, Ramblin´ Rose
Come on home

I need a Ramblin´ Rose
Ramblin´ Rose
(repeat ´til end)

(As sung by Wayne Kramer on ‘Kick Out The Jams’)

Picture: Wayne Kramer in action at West Park, June 29, 1969.
(The Argus, July 10 – 25, 1969)

Und hier noch einige pictures und links zu MC5:

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